Zillow Content for Everyone!
This news is a couple of days old, but I wanted to touch on it because I believe it is important to the industry...
Zillow announced late last week that it will be releasing an API code for some of it's online services such as zestimates, and mapping functionality. This will basically allow small websites to easily place the content and tools of Zillow onto their websites.
This is important because up until recently, only large websites with even larger budgets had content like this. And by the way, if you haven't ever checked out Zillow.com, it is an incredible experience. Many real estate agents around the country think that it's data and formulas to calculate property values are not correct, but you can't deny the usefulness of the site. You can pull tax records, see what similar homes in your area have sold for, etc. It is a very effective tool, and once this technology is open to the average "joe" real estate agent, we should see a wider spread of real estate related internet traffic.
Keep an eye out for this... they are supposed to release it in the fall... CREN may even consider the content for it's network of websites.
The release of the zestimate API provides a great opportunity for real estate agents and broker sites to add a new dimension of functionality to their websites. The API should prove to be a great value added tool for many agents.
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